The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body whose purpose is to advise the Pastor in the leadership of the parish. They help to assess the needs of the parish, foster unity, and create a sense of community within the parish. Most Council members are elected by parishioners for a specific term while some are appointed by the Pastor.
The Finance Committee members are appointed by the Pastor to provide guidance and counsel related to financial planning and budgetary needs of the parish. Some members may have backgrounds or experience in financial planning or management, or other disciplines related to financially impactful projects.
The role of the Worship Commission is to encourage and facilitate full, active and conscious participation of all who gather to worship with us each day. The Commission assists the pastor in planning for all of the major liturgical celebrations throughout the year - especially during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, as well as Holy Days throughout the year.
"Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Parish is a Catholic faith community centered in the Eucharistic celebration. We give witness to our baptismal promises and commit ourselves to learn, love, and live the message of Jesus Christ."
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Corpus Christi - St. Bernard Parish
1523 Washington Street
West Newton, MA 02465
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 3:30pm
P: 617-244-0608
F: 617-969-1025