Altar Servers assist with the Eucharistic celebrations each weekend. Children in grades 3 and up are invited to serve at Masses. Altar Servers are asked to assist 1-2 times per month or as their schedule allows.
A lector is the person who proclaims the first and/or second reading at Mass. He or she may also lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. A lector is encouraged to have the qualifications listed below and have a desire to minister in this capacity at the Eucharistic liturgy. This ministry in the Church requires a person who is serious about the practice of their faith. A lector believes that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have deep respect for God's presence in that Word.
It begins with prayerful God calling me to be more involved in my parish? Is proclaiming the Word of God something that I could do well to serve my parish? Lectors are carefully chosen based on their skills in proclamation, their willingness to complete a brief period of formation in this ministry and their evidence of a deep spirituality. If you are an adult, or teen who has been confirmed, and feel you may have the gift of proclaiming, please contact Sr. Suzanne Fondini, our Pastoral Associate at 617-244-0608 or email
All new candidates receive training from a member of the pastoral staff.
The instruction includes the following:
Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Parish by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations.
“It is a gift to be a Eucharistic Minister – to share the Body and Blood of Christ with another,” said one Eucharistic Minister recently reflecting on her experience at the parish. The moment of communion is one that should be seized by both the minister and the communicant. This moment is unique because it is both personal and much bigger than the two people.
Those called to this ministry have, or soon acquire the grace in movement and reverence in touch. Reverence in touch is especially important for Eucharistic Ministers since their whole work involves taking in hand the vessels of the Body of Christ and of the Blood of Christ and sharing them with everyone. The eyes of the minister should meet the eyes of the communicant. The minister says words of the formula “the Body of Christ” directly to the person. When placing the consecrated host into the hand of the communicant there should be a slight and brief touch. The same is true of the cup, eye contact, the words “the Blood of Christ” and touching! All are in communion with the person of our Lord. We have communion with our living, loving, and nourishing God. This means that there can be no rush. One ministers communion with reverence and dignity.
PLEASE contact Sr. Suzanne for more information about becoming a Eucharistic Minister. She will train you not only in practical matters, but offer some theological, pastoral and spiritual guidance with respect to this important ministry of the church.
Our parish Music Ministry consists of Leaders of Song, the Adult Choir, and the Children's Choir.
Leaders of Song are seasoned singers who lead the assembly at Mass in the music sung during the liturgy. Leaders of Song will sing at 1 parish Mass each weekend and seasonal liturgical celebrations, such as Christmas, Easter, and other significant parish Masses.
The Adult Choir sings at the 10 AM Mass and other special liturgies. Choir members are asked to rehearse for 15 minutes prior to each Mass and for 1 hour following Sunday Mass. Other rehearsals are scheduled throughout the year for special Masses. High school youth are strongly encouraged to participate as well.
The Children's Choir comes together several times throughout the year for Christmas, Easter and First Eucharist celebrations as well. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 receive instruction and rehearsals are scheduled at suitable times for children.
For additional info please contact Mary Nolan.
Mass and Sacristy Coordinators are responsible for preparing the sanctuary and church for our liturgical celebrations. They make certain the all Liturgical Ministers are present prior to each Mass - including Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Servers, Gift Bearers, etc. Training and support is offered throughout the year for this important role. Typically, Mass and Sacristy Coordinators arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass and remain for 15 minutes after Mass to clear items. Adults and high school aged youth are encouraged to speak with a member of the parish staff for more details.
Those engaged in this ministry provide the setting for our liturgies each weekend and throughout the week. The worship space is seasonally arranged with flowers and greenery around the main altar and side altar areas as well. Special emphasis is placed on the liturgies of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter - but the entire church year requires a worship space that is appealing and respectful of what is being celebrated. Please contact a member of the pastoral staff for more details about getting involved in this important work!
The role of usher and greeter has become of vital importance during the pandemic. In order to maintain safety protocols, we need volunteers to seat parishioners, to ensure proper social distancing, and to maintain a clean and safe environment. Our joyful greetings help people feel safe and secure and embody the welcoming nature of our community. If you would like to become an usher and greeter, please contact Sr. Suzanne.
Burying the dead is a corporal work of mercy. Our funeral team offers consolation to families and assist them with the liturgical plans for the funeral. Our team members help the family pick readings, music, and other arrangements. We also seek volunteers who will help with the funeral itself, set-up, greeting, ushering, and clean up. This is a very special ministry that allows us to offer consolation to those who mourn.
"Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Parish is a Catholic faith community centered in the Eucharistic celebration. We give witness to our baptismal promises and commit ourselves to learn, love, and live the message of Jesus Christ."
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Corpus Christi - St. Bernard Parish
1523 Washington Street
West Newton, MA 02465
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 3:30pm
P: 617-244-0608
F: 617-969-1025