Confirmation Saint Form

Confirmation Saint Form

Grade 9-10 Confirmation Name - Due 2/28/25

Being given a name is a significant part of belonging to a family and in the Christian community. When you were baptized, your parents and godparents were asked to present you by name for the Sacrament. For the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are asked to reaffirm your baptismal name or to choose the name of a saint whose example you wish to follow. Some candidates pick the name of a relative whom they admire and who also represents a model of Christian witness.

This is a decision that should include your family and sponsor. As you choose your name for Confirmation, here are some ideas that might help you.

  • Talk to your parents or someone else in your family about your own name.
  • Where did it come from?
  • Why did your parents give you this name?

If you share the same name as a saint, do some research into who the saint was and how he or she lived our his or her faith.

  • If you decide to take another name, talk to your sponsor, your catechist, or members of your family about the names of saints. Is there one who shows a particular spiritual strength or gift that inspires you?
  • Give yourself time to pray about this. Ask your family or sponsor to pray for your decision, as well. Such prayer will most certainly lead you to make a good decision.

Confirmation Saint Name Form

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