1523 Washington Street
West Newton, MA 02465
From Route 128/95 North of Newton: take 128/95 South to Exit 39 -Route 30 East. Follow Route 30 East for 1.4 miles and turn Left on Auburn Street. At the end of Auburn Street turn left onto Washington Street. Church is located on the left.
From Route 128/95 South of Newton: take 128/95 North to Exit 39 - Route 30 East. Follow directions above.
From Boston: Take Mass Pike East to Exit 125A - Route 16 West. Follow Route 16 West to Route 16/Washington Street. Turn Right onto Washington Street. Church is located on the right.
Monday - Wednesday | 8:00 am
Saturday (Vigil) | 4:00 pm
Sunday | 8:00 am & 10:00 am
Wednesday | 8:30am - 9:30am
Saturday | 3:00pm - 3:30pm
or by appointment
Monday | 12:00pm
"Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Parish is a Catholic faith community centered in the Eucharistic celebration. We give witness to our baptismal promises and commit ourselves to learn, love, and live the message of Jesus Christ."
Quick Navigation Links
Corpus Christi - St. Bernard Parish
1523 Washington Street
West Newton, MA 02465
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 3:30pm
P: 617-244-0608
F: 617-969-1025
E: info@ccsbparish.org